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WS_FTP FAQ - Common problems and solutions
1. When I use WS_FTP to connect to xxxxxx, I get connected
ok, as well as logged in, but the list box for the remote
side remains blank. In the status window the last thing
i see is "DoDirList returned 4".
Answer: Change your MTU setting in your network stack
to 576. (see end of document for doing this on Window 95)
2. When I use WS_FTP to connect to xxxxxx, I get connected
ok as well as logged in, but the list box for the remote
side remains blank or contains garbage.
Answer: Go to Options -> Session Options and change the
host type. Try "UNIX (standard)", "Sun Solaris",
"WinQVT/Net", "Ipswitch" and THEN any other types that
may seem to be correct.
3. When I use WS_FTP to connect to "ftp.uwp.edu" the host
dialog boxes are not filled in correctly.
Answer: Set the host type to WinQVT/Net ** OR ** start
your e-mail address with a hypen (-). This is set in
the Options -> Program Options screen.
4. When I use WS_FTP32 to connect to a site, it gives me
a "write error" when attempting to retrieve the directory
ANSWER: Open a DOS window and enter "set". Then create
the directory specified by your TMP and TEMP environment
5. WS_FTP only returns NNNNN bytes of a file and can never
retrieve the whole file.
ANSWER: Set your MTU in your program stack to 576.
6. WS_FTP does not always return a complete file and leaves
off from 50 to 512 bytes.
ANSWER: Some network stacks do not properly handle data
packets that have the FIN flag set. These stacks
improperly return a length of zero to a blocking recv
socket call and do not make all the data available to
the application. Contact your network stack provider
for an updated version of the network stack.
7. WS_FTP can only connect to the WS_FTP site and nothing
else or WS_FTP can't connect to anything.
ANSWER: Configure your name server in your stack. Talk
to your internet provider for the proper values for DNS.
8. WS_FTP32 won't run on Windows 95.
ANSWER: Use the built in Microsoft TCP/IP stack that
comes with Windows 95 or get a 32 bit network stack from
your network stack provider. You can NOT run a 32 bit
network application on a 16 bit network stack on a 32 bit
operating system.
9. How can I transfer directory structures?
ANSWER: Use WS_FTP32 95.07.05 or later. Simply select
the directory you want to transfer and click the transfer
10. How can I transfer multiple files?
ANSWER: Use the CTRL key with the left mouse button and
select the files you want to transfer. Then click the
proper transfer arrow.
11. How can I transfer a file that contains special characters
or is hidden?
ANSWER: Click the transfer arrow when NO file is selected
and you will be prompted for the file name to retrieve.
12. Why don't you add the ability to retry a connection when
it is busy?
ANSWER: It already has that ability. Look for "retries"
in the Advanced Connect dialog.
13. Why are files corrupted after transfer?
ANSWER: Make sure you transfer TEXT files in Text mode
and MOST other files in BINARY mode. If you still have
problems, verify that you have hardware flow control
enabled on your modem. If you have NetCom stack, turn
in a bug report to NetCom. If you have Trumpet 2.1d,
update to 2.1f or drop back to 2.0b.
14. How do I transfer files from the command line?
ANSWER: Please read the WS_FTP.TXT file that comes INSIDE
the ZIP file. It contains the command line info.
15. How can I change to a hidden directory?
ANSWER: Click the right mouse button and select "FTP
Commands" and then select "CWD". You can then manually
enter a directory name to get to.
16. Where can I get the latest version?
MTU settings in the stack are the most common problems. You
probably need to talk to your internet provider to get the
proper setting (or read the excellent message from "Albert
P. Belle Isle" <belleisl@ultranet.com>). You can try 576
as it seems to be a common proper value. Another common
value is 552.
1. Press START, select RUN and enter REGEDIT.
2. Find the key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE named \Enum\Root\Net
(If you do not this key then you probably don't have a
Dial-Up Adapter, so go straight to the next step
and use the value under \Enum\Network\MSTCP\ )
It will have one or more subkeys with names 0000, 0001,
and other possibilities. Find the subkey that has
"DeviceDesc" set to "Dial-Up Adapter". Within
that subkey there will be a subkey named "Bindings".
Within the "Bindings" subkey there will be a string
name like "MSTCP\0000". Use the four-digit number
after "MSTCP\" in the next step.
3. Find the key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE named
\Enum\Network\MSTCP\nnnn where "nnnn" is replaced by the
four-digit number you found in last step. Under that key,
there will be a string named "Driver" with a value like
"NetTrans\0000". Use the four-digit number after "NetTrans\"
in the next step.
4. Find and select the key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE named
where "nnnn" is replaced by the four-digit number you found in
the last step. You'll know you have the right key if one
of the values is "TCP/IP" (on the right side of the screen).
5. Add a new string value and name it "MaxMTU". Then set the
value of "MaxMTU" to "576".
6. Now close REGEDIT and restart Windows 95.